Making A Do Not Call List Complaint?
Here's what you need to know...
The Federal Trade Commission, the Federal Communications Commission, and the states began enforcing the National Do Not Call Registry on October 1, 2003. Designed to help enforce the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, passed in 1991, the Do Not Call Registry created a single place where consumers could opt-out of unsolicited telemarketing sales calls. While certainly not a fool-proof system, registering your phone do-not-call-registrynumbers on the Do Not Call Registry can significantly reduce the number of robocalls to your cell phone, and to your land line. As such, we highly recommend putting all of your cell phone and land line numbers on the National Do Not Call Registry. Upon registration, there is a thirty day grace period for telemarketers, but after that, robocallers and autodialed calls should slow down measurably.
We wanted to offer answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about how the Do Not Call List works, and how you can use it to make a Do Not Call list complaint.
How do I enter my number on the Do Not Call list?
There are two ways to enter your phone numbers on the federal Do Not Call list. You can call the Federal Trade Commission at 888-382-1222 from the phone you want to register (TTY: 1-866-290-4236), or you can visit the FTC Do Not Call website, . If you register online, you'll receive an email confirmation from, that you must click within 72 hours to confirm and complete your registration.
How can I verify if I've already added my number to the Do Not Call list..?
If you're wondering how to check if a number is on the do not call list, not to worry! It's actually quite easy todo-not-call-list-verify confirm whether your number is on the Do Not Call Registry. Simply visit the website, and click the "VERIFY" tab. You'll be asked to list the number you're inquiring about, and the email address you used to confirm your registration. You'll be sent an email confirming that have registered the number you inquired about, or, that you haven't.
How long does a number stay on the Do Not Call list?
There is no expiration associated with the National Do Not Call Registry. If you add your number to the Do Not Call list, it stays there for as long as you have that number. However, various states have their own Do Not Call lists, and they vary in how long your number remains on them. For example, the Texas Do Not Call list is good for a period of three years, while the Florida Do Not Call list, like the National Do Not Call Registry, keeps numbers registered indefinitely.
Is there a separate do not call list for cell phones?
2018 and 2019 saw a surge in bogus emails, indicating that cell phones had a separate Do Not Call list. This is completely false. The national Do Not Call Registry, and individual state do not call lists do not separate cell phones and personal land lines.
How do I make a robocall complaint?
All you have to do is visit the Do Not Call Registry website listed above, and click on the "Report Unwanted Calls" tab. You'll be given a form to fill out about when the call (or text) came in, from whom, etc... The information is stored in the FTC database, but there's not usually anything else that comes from it, unless they receive enough complaints to warrant further investigation.
I'm on the Do Not Call Registry, but I'm still getting calls. Why?
If you're still getting calls, it's easy to assume that the Do Not Call list isn't working. However, you should remember that you're probably being called by one of two types of callers... Either they're overseas scammers, trying to con you out of your credit card information (like the ones who constantly call, trying to "lower your credit card interest rates"), or they're simply ignoring the law altogether, and their obligation to avoid calling people on the Do Not Call list. While the Turning Robocalls Into Cash Kit can't really do much about the overseas scammers, the robocalls you're getting trying to sell you things like health insurance, solar panels, security systems, air duct cleaning, or an auto warranty, are EXACTLY what the kit was designed to help you with!
So, if you're sick and tired of robocalls to your cell phone...
GET THE KIT, stop getting robocalls, and start getting checks!